In the late 1800's, when the industrial revolution was in full force, American workers were working 12-hour days 7-days per week. This grind was not limited to adults but also included kids as young as 5 or 6 years old. Back then, no laws or safeguards were in place that mandated working conditions or pay.
In 1894, Labor Day was signed into law which meant more governance and stipulations to protect those doing the back breaking work that was going into thriving and surviving, not only as a country but as a person & a family.

This day is meant for you; the hard working, dedicated, in the trenches men and women that do so much for so many that they don't even know. Think of the farmers that work from sunup to sundown to put food on our tables, the long haul truckers getting supplies from one side of the country to the other and the list goes on and on.
Our business thrives because of the hard work of our team & our family. We are blessed to have a passionate group of folks ensuring that all customers are taken care of and valued. Labor Day is a celebration of the working men (and women) and we are proud to have played a part in these celebrations over the years with you. Firing up the grill, cracking a cold one and spending time with friends & family are moments we cherish.
Our meat department is stocked and ready with burgers, house made sausages, prime steaks and pork plus marinated chicken all for the grill. Stop by and see us!
